
An introduction to the PTLINKED API

At PTLINKED, we develop engaging exercise content that is flexible to be customized and packaged specifically for the companies and organizations we work with. We provide a secure private REST API built upon pragmatic RESTful design principles. With a REST API, we are able to provide a powerful, convenient, and simple Web services API for integrating our high-quality exercise content into your apps and platforms.

The PTLINKED API uses resource-oriented URLs that leverage built-in features of HTTP like verbs and response codes. All request and response bodies are JSON encoded, including error responses. Any off-the-shelf HTTP client (and active authentication credentials) can be used to communicate with the API.

This documentation will outline the various API end-points available to authorized developers. In addition, the documentation will guide any developer who is developing with the PTLINKED API and show source code examples.

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